Excellent breakdown

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I’m wondering what is actually S3 Table, a new S3 optimized towards Iceberg?

So far I could use normal S3 with Glue Data Catalog and EMR. What will be the gain in case of S3 tables, speedup?

I need to play with it a bit

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Think about it. They added EMR support to Sagemaker too.

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Very disappointing that they chose to release only Spark as the supported engine, and all the functionality is basically abstracted behind a .jar :(

Integrating query engines like Daft is going to be a pain.

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How dissapointing, just as you say, aws being aws

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This is avery good writeup

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Thanks for the great write-up. We are heavily using AWS tools and were in the middle of moving to use Iceberg, so this article comes in just at the right time.

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